Wool Knows Best

10,000 Years of Outdoor Life

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Warm in Cold Weather

Wool is a great insulator due to the naturally elastic and bendy fibers that trap air very well. The fibers also have low heat conductivity and don't pull heat the from your body, so when it's cold outside, the heat stays inside. Wool is also naturally hydrophobic and therefore sheds water. These are properties that we make good use of in our jackets.

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Cool in Warm Weather

The cell of a wool fiber is able to store moisture, entering the cell through the cell membrane as vapor. When you work up a sweat, the moisture closest to the skin is taken into the wool fiber cells, while your body heat then causes the moisture to evaporate on the outside of the garment. This creates a cooling effect and makes thin wool garments remarkably comfortable in warm conditions.

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Fjällräven Wool Features

Durable, yet soft to the touch

Because of wool's natural elasticity, the fibers can bend approximately 20,000 times before they break. This not only makes wool surprisingly tough and abrasion resistant compared to other materials, but also feels soft against the skin. These features are a welcome combination when it comes to knitted sweaters and other tops.

Transports moisture away

The cell membranes in each wool fiber is able to absorb moisture in the form of vapor. When you're warm or sweaty, that moisture is absorbed by the cells closest to your skin and 'transported' to the outside of the garment (thanks to your body heat) where it evaporates. This leads to more overall comfort, especially when you are active.

Odor resistant

Odor is caused by bacteria and bacteria needs water and oxygen to grow. Because the wool fibers are able to store moisture inside their cells, that moisture is in a 'closed system' and not in contact with oxygen. Therefore wool garments can be worn more times before they need to be washed and are perfect for base layers.

Sustainably and Ethically Sourced

At the moment we use almost only three types of wool: Traceable wool, recycled wool and recovered wool

Traceable Wool

From wool growers and farmers in New Zealand that not only hold the highest standards when it comes to animal welfare, environmental sustainability and wool quality but also apply a regenerative approach to their practices. This means working to increase biodiversity, improving the soil health and water cycle, and enhancing the ecosystems.

Recycled Wool

Cutting spill from wool garment producers and worn out recycled garments. It’s washed, sorted by color, shredded, and spun into new yarn.

Recovered Wool

A by-product of the meat industry that is collected from Swedish sheep farms, mainly on the island of Gotland, where the yearly shearing of sheep creates approximately 100 tons of wool. Until recently, that wool has been regarded as waste, since it doesn't have the same fine fibers as the wool from wool producing farms. Although it is coarser, it still has the same properties that make wool such a great material.